Pest Control Europe SPRL (referred to below as PCE)
- Business address:
Avenue Vésale, 8c
B-1300 Wavre
Tél. 32 (0) 10 88 72 20
Fax. 32 (0) 10 22 47 81
- Account number:
IBAN: BE07 2710 8054 2566 (BIC BNP Paribas Fortis : GEBABEBB)
Company VAT number: BE-0475.724.226
General Terms and Conditions: 30/05/2018 update
The website at is the property of Pest Control Europe sprl,
Contact details: Avenue Mercator, 9 | 1300 Wavre – Belgium | VAT BE 0475.724.226
Contact Pest Control Europe using the contact form by clicking here
General terms and conditions of use of the website
Using the website implies that you accept the entirety of the general terms and conditions of use below in full. These terms and conditions of use may be amended or supplemented at any time. Users of the website are therefore invited to consult them regularly.
This website is normally accessible to users at all times. However, its availability may be interrupted for technical maintenance purposes. The website is updated regularly. The information provided may therefore change. In addition, the information set out on this website is not comprehensive.
General terms and conditions related to the GDPR (personal data management).
PCE only collects users’ personal data for the requirements of certain services. Users provide this information in full knowledge of what is involved, particularly when entering the data themselves.
When sending a form via our contact page, PCE collects the following data:
- your name
- your email address
- your postal address (if you enter it)
All users have the right to gain access, rectify and object to their personal data by sending a signed request in writing specifying the address to which the reply must be sent.
The data we collect are kept in our files, which are themselves stored on our secure servers which are not accessible to the public. These data are only accessible to PCE and the company in charge of processing your data. They will not be shared with third parties.
No personal data are published without the knowledge of the user of the website, nor exchanged, transferred, given away or sold on any medium to third parties.
Hyperlinks and cookies
The website at contains a number of hyperlinks to other websites. However, PCE is not able to check the contents of the websites visited in this way and consequently accepts no liability in this respect.
Navigating on the website at may result in a cookie or cookies being installed on the user’s computer. A cookie is a small file which does not reveal the identity of the user, but which records information on how a computer navigates on a website. The purpose of the data obtained in this way is to make it easier to navigate subsequently on the website. These data can also be used to measure the frequency of visits (using tools such as Google Analytics).
Refusing to allow a cookie to be installed may prevent access to certain services. However, the user may configure his/her computer to prevent his/her personal data from being recorded and used, by downloading and installing the plug-in available at
For further information about the Confidentiality rules related to the use of Google Analytics, please refer to the About Google Analytics section.